The Discarded University
It is a human birthright to live in a state of connection
and grace. We are born with an innate ability to communicate and receive
messages from our Creator. Some call it the Great Spirit, God, Nature, Buddha-thought,
Gaea, Pachamamma…this energy, this all knowing and all loving energy is called
by many names but all cultures agree as to where this energy resides and this
place is in nature, untouched by human hands. This is rather obvious. Prophets
and sages and seekers do not go into the canyons of Manhattan to commune with
their Maker, they go out to the wilds, the old places where canopies have
overspread the plants beneath and provided the wisdom of shade for thousands of
years. This is where a direct line of communication can be established, where
messages can be received, if the instrument is ready and sensitive enough. Pachamamma
communicates through Her children, through the other life forms we share this
Earth with. She sends messages through the plants and whispers to us through
the sighing of trees, through the wind in leaves. Those of us who live in
cities have been almost entirely cut off from communicating with our Creator.
She has no messengers to send. The imprint of the human mind is everywhere.
Hard asphalt covers dirt, buildings made in the image of the human mind with
all of its shortcomings and constraints, boxy, inelegant, wasteful, crowd upon
the eye and fill it to brimming with half-truths and blatant lies. The city as
designed for buying and selling, growing rampant with the fertilizer of ego and
greed and dire misunderstanding. Pachamamma has been driven out by the hubris
of the ego, the false state of the mind that mistakes creation for its own.
There isn’t a one of us that doesn’t know there is something drastically wrong.
Not one of us is free from the nagging feeling the world we live in is terribly
and catastrophically out of balance. We don’t need to do most of what we are
doing. We need alignment and healing, we need the loving song of our Mother to
bring us back, to reawaken us to what we are. Sacred, holy creatures put here
in the ocean of time to learn, to experience and take our place in the great
construct that is the expression of the Creator, the web of life. We are here
to learn a single lesson and this is all. And how are we to learn if we’ve
discarded the university? We’ve surrounded ourselves with a leaded box and are
cannibalizing one another with the nightmares we’ve come to believe are true.
For many, nightmares have become their birthright. This is false. We need to go
back to the old, powerful places, open our senses, let go our false desires and
fears, generated by this one-sided construct of the mind and go back to the
multifaceted and energetic construct which was made for us. Our home. Our true
place. It fills me with a sadness too deep and too hurtful for words to think
we can not receive the messages intended for us. There is much to be learned
from the singing of birds and the harvesting of fruit. Our true text is the book
of nature. Our cousins are the plants and in many ways our progenitors for
without them there would be no oxygen to breathe. And what insanity that we cut
the trees down for profit. Truly they are our lungs, we are utterly dependent
upon them for breath…and we cut them down. What dangerous self-destruction.
What is truly frightening is that the Creator, Pachamamma will not be put
aside, will not lick Her wounds in the last untouched places, no, She will
resort to other means of communication to get through to us. Disaster, flood,
famine, pestilence, suffering and war…these are all the products of not being
in alignment, of cutting ourselves off from our teacher and savior, cutting
ourselves off from the energy that loves us absolutely and made us perfect.