Tuesday, July 30, 2013

To Beat The Birds

To Beat The Birds

I wore a face that was not my face
The muscles tensed and gripped
In ways they were not designed for
Long hours of frowning in front of a computer
Too many times smiling when nothing was funny
Or the worst, curling the lips at the corners
To sign approval of an act I found despicable

These muscles were meant to express
The molds my face understands
And for far too long this face has slipped
Between the deep grooves of Being
And skated along the shallows of conformity
No more
For I no longer recognize the rudimentary lines
And weak boundaries I have been asked to force my face into
It takes too much energy to be nothing, to be subservient, to follow the program

For I am too strong to hold myself down
I give my face permission to act as it will, say what it wants
Take the forms it finds comfortable
And laugh to beat the birds

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Self Drops Free

The Self Drops Free

You relieved me of thoughts of the Self
I held the concept out trembling in my hands
Like a sickly bird that could not fly
For I did not want to let it go
It was everything
This quest for the True Self
Which had become deeply rooted in my mind
Bounding who I am within the confines of mere idea

And ideas don’t exist
They haunt the mind
Taunt it in a whirlwind of whispers

In Your presence
Overwhelmed in the light of wholeness
My hands shook with fear
And I persisted in this fear
As all humans must for change to happen
And my ideas of the Self dropped free
Like brown leaves from a great tree
That serve it no more

Sunday, July 7, 2013



Remember Son. Remember Daughter
The ground upon which you stand
Is not just ground
It is Earth
Connected to Earth
Until it meets the Sea
And then it ends
But only for your feet
The Earth continues
Through the fathoms
Under the deepest depths
To support the waters
And hold them up
Cradled in the loving palm of Earth
All that water
Remember Son. Remember Daughter
This is the place from which you came
From which all life began
The Earth is unbroken
The continuity of seasons
Can be traced to the time
Before seasons
And this Time too has a Mother and a Father
Just like you Son. Just like you Daughter
You are unbroken
You are whole
And you came from the Sea

Saturday, July 6, 2013



Everything is vibration...Everything is song

Kushi Uni

Kushi Uni

I drink a cup of balance
A cup of wholeness
And like oil and water
The inner muck gets pushed out
I hang the dirty laundry
In my private garden
And watch the soiled garments
Swing in the breeze
I water them with clear, warm tears
Until they’re drenched
Dripping down to slake the thirst of the grass

I can see what keeps me from You
I note the shapes, the cuts of fabric, the stitching
The worst are the ones with words woven into them
Like barbed fences and high guard towers
The tattered ones too, so old
Since I’ve had them since childhood
And somehow they’ve grown with me
Keeping pace with my growing body
Always maintaining a snug fit
And never losing stiffness or the hundreds of needles
Pointed inward and outward

Relieved of this branding
I see that I have chosen all of my garments
Not that I made them
But that I accepted them
And dress myself in the mirror with these same clothes every day

I’m naked and I close my eyes and turn my head to the sky
I can see patterns of veins illumined by the sun’s warmth
And I drape myself in their latticework
Regal and pulsing with the dignity of my being
I am a node, clean and open to the great vibrations of Your heart
Your rhythm, Green Mother, becomes my rhythm
And we dance in harmony as my voice erupts in song
The notes of which spring feathers and I rise into the brilliant blue
Out of my private garden
And see all boundaries are artificial
And that there is only You

Fire Tender


Fire Tender

I caught a glimpse of fire and reached out and took an ember and held it close to my heart. I want to be a fire tender, to help the flame pass through the ages, to be a small hand this fire passed through but for an instant.