Friday, August 30, 2013

Winding Through Ferns

Winding Through Ferns

The trail you walk curves through a landscape of ferns. You can see the thin line of bare earth cut gently through the plants and disappear over a rise. They seem ancient. So ancient that you think that’s probably how they looked millions of years ago after having settled from the ambulations of a dinosaur. The air is rich and moist and when you inhale through your nose it feels like you are participating in the forest’s essence, taking it deep within you and savoring it. The enormous trees rise from their bed of ferns like stately pillars charged with upholding the sky. The canopy is thick with billions of slender green needles, each a variation on an ancient form, shaped to gather fog so that the tree might drink. Your steps are silent on the spongy ground and it’s almost like you’re not even there, passing through the play of light and shadow, swaying around you on the dictates of cloud and wind. You feel part of the ecology of this place, aware of everything without having to focus on any of the details. This land has found a home in you and you smile as your legs take you, you know not where and this does not matter because each step you take is one into your heart and from this you will never stray.  


Thursday, August 29, 2013

So Hard To Be Natural

So Hard To Be Natural

Why is it so hard to be natural?
It should be the easiest thing in the world
At some point in all of our lives
We were naturals
Never questioning
Just doing
But then gradually this was eroded
As we were encoded with dictums
Told how to be
In ways which were against our being
Then to escape the conflict
The tension created
By dogma and blind belief
Escape in all the fleeting pleasures
Even in the ruddy orange of sunsets
If you count on beauty
It will fail you
Take it in the moment
As it comes
And be glad when it’s gone
Because it can’t last forever
But you can
If you don’t escape
You know the chains around you?
The ones that cut your flesh if you move
Or struggle against them?
Get to know them
Stay put
And understand there is no escape
Live in the moment
And you will see
There is every such thing as eternity
And no such thing as the chains
You forged link by link
In the crucible of your mind

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Awaken With The Dawn

Awaken With The Dawn

The morning is newly awakened in your eyes. Dawn reaches above the tree line in gathering shades of pink and pale blue. You can hear bird calls of several different species intertwine in the crisp air around you and you feel free and healthy. You bring the fragrant air deep into your lungs and exhale a fine mist just as the sun rises above the horizon. You can feel the sky expand as it blows through your hair, warmed by the gentle ball of fire. You feel a harmony within yourself. The boulders seem perfectly positioned to catch the quickening light, the moss clinging to the large arcs of stone has a slow and irrefutable purpose, trees balance light and shade in constant interchange with the wind, creating a dynamic pattern which the wild grass in the meadow you stand in resonates with until the air seems to hum around you. You’ve never seen a morning like this, an awakening that mirrors a slow gathering of love in the basket of your heart.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Secret Of Immortality

The Secret Of Immortality

It is possible that the universe is an evolved consciousness that discovered the secret of immortality. The secret being to never remain constant, existing in a state of perpetual evolution. The seeds of immortality are held in the concept of having no fixed idea of the self and absolutely no sense of self-preservation, a constant giving, a constant mutation – and because of this the universe never dies, because – in a sense – it never was…and we are this too and doesn’t this description sound a lot like pure love?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Just For A Moment

Just For A Moment

Just for a moment dear one
Just a moment
Give yourself
A break
Stop trying to prove
How clever you are
It’s a given
Because cleverness
Is acrobatics
Executed in virtual reality
And you are spinning
Like a top
Just calm down long enough
To let go
And fall
Into the waiting net
Of the Earth

Sunday, August 18, 2013

To Know Without Knowing

To Know Without Knowing

You see a flower
At the moment of unfolding
The last purple petal spreads
Like silk over your eyes
And you stare in wonder
How could such beauty exist?
The yellow belly button
At the center of the bloom
Yells yellow at your eyes
Till you think of the sun above
Your heart leaps for love
Reminding you of something you’d nearly forgotten
You walk over and snap the green stem
The umbilical cord to the Earth severed
The petal now swings like a pendulum in your hands
As you begin to think of other things
And the colors will never match that moment
The petals won’t even try
They know without knowing
They can’t trace a direct line
To the magma center of their home
From the vase on your coffee table

A Prayer For A Sunday

A Prayer For A Sunday

There is a cure for our sickness
This cure need not be administered with prayer
It does not require faith in a higher being
It does not require a strong foundation of belief
It can be administered by the scientific method
A method some would say caused this sickness to begin with
Fighting poison with poison
The cure is simply said
But momentous to execute
A revolution would flow in its wake
Do what is good for the Earth
What is good for all other forms of life
Including the rocks and the water that rushes over them
For they have souls too
Do this, say no to destruction and waste
And yes to balance
Yes to helping all life flourish
We should grow up
And be the stewards we were made to be
Then everything will be a prayer
Faith will be unquestioned
Because it will be a seed
Sprouted from each individual’s heart
As they tend the Earth with their love
And sow it with belief