Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Earth-Spirit Matrix 1

Earth-Spirit Matrix 1

This earth is the matrix of material. The earth is a material realm, bound in three dimensions, answering to the confines of matter. This is why we are all here. Spirit answering to matter. This is our challenge. As beings from the dynamic, multidimensional, colorful, spirit realm, to integrate ourselves with matter. Dull, cloddy, colorless, boringly stable, matter. Matter is why we are all here. It is not to forget matter. It is to become matter. The holy breath. Infuse breath into matter. This is why breath is such a potent symbol for us. Breath is the closest we’ve got here for analogy. This is our cross. This is our humility. This is our potential hell or our potentially greatest achievement. If there are levels of spirits/variations…which I assume there are, everyone here must be of the most stalwart and brave to even undertake this journey through matter/time.

The reason why we came here is to be humbled. To affix ourselves to the cross of matter. There is no other choice/nothing other to do. Anything else is to stray. But this is why straying is so easy. Matter is fascinating/must be quite an experience/trip to be bound in three dimensions and in time. The experience of sensation must be incredibly strong for a spirit being. Very pointed and unique. This is why drugs can be a danger for some. If the spirit is already strong, drugs will push them too far to the spirit and cut them off from what they are here to experience.

It is the highest challenge but also the highest joy. If the spirit being can accomplish the crucifixion on the cross of matter, the tree of life, then the spirit can truly know itself. Spirit can’t know itself in wholeness. It must first become fractured/buried and then uncovered to truly feel itself/know itself to be unique. This is what we all strive for and why we came here.

This is why babies feel so strong because the spirit being has been infused in matter but has not yet become fully enmeshed in matter. This is why they glow. This is why old people can glow too…the material is more integrated with the spirit…this is why anyone glows…it is because the spirit is integrated with the flesh. It energizes it. This is why flesh/bodies/the living are such complex systems…it is simply matter’s response to spirit. It is because spirit is so subtle and complex, it compels matter to respond in this way.

This is the fascination with the material, the danger of greed. At heart, base level, every single thing on this planet is a spirit integrating with matter/wanting this union – in an effort to know itself. This deep desire/need to integrate with matter can become confused with the desire to acquire…more…in an effort to fulfill this…alcohol, drugs, sex, goods, food…all of these vices/addictions are tied into this. Everything is a desire to satisfy this deep hunger…but the only way to do it is to give up control, sink into matter, stop fighting it, stop wanting it so damn bad, this toy, this ride, this stimulus…which must be as a thunderbolt to the subtlety of the spirit realm.

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