Thursday, December 26, 2013

Always Giving

Always Giving

The anticipation
You felt
When your arms
Were new
And sprouting
Above legs
That habitually
Went against
The law
Of gravity
And won?

The greatest gift
Was on the way
And once
The world
Would never
Be the same

Toys broke
Games became
Boredom’s tools

There’s only one
All gifts
Wait patiently
And point
Up the road
To the glowing
Without end
And you are
With delight
You play
On a
Woven from a thread
Of infinite variation

Sunday, December 15, 2013



Today I wish to bake bread
I want to measure
And pour
Perfect peace
To inhale motes of flour
Suspended in warm sunbeam
I must need this
The softness between my fingers
A place for my head
To lose itself
In the swirling grains
Of forgetfulness
Then I wake up
And remember
This is a dream
Like a point of light
That would shoot away
Before you blinked
But is held
By a ballast
Of the ancient smell
Which has brought
Comfort to sick hearts
Filled empty bellies
And gathered people
To the hearth
Like a plump mother
Radiating love

Saturday, December 7, 2013

All You've Been Told

All You've Been Told

Let it go
Release the tension

So often we hear
These words
Not empty
In themselves
But rendered
By the hollowness
Of the speaker

All you’ve been told
The words
Just serve
To uphold
Painted by the blind

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Black Hole Unique

Black Hole Unique

You fear being faceless
To the marrow of your
Unseen white bones

Bred to feel unique
This may be your
Greatest curse

The dull emotion
That puppets
The bones
Under the curse
Of uniqueness
Is like a black hole
Sucking in the
Material world
As sacrifice
To feed the fire
Of illusion

Is its own
And illusion
Is a bonfire
Forests whole

Do not fear being
Unplug yourself
From the machine
That projects
Of uniqueness
Watch those
Under the strain
And know
No one can bear
The lie
For we are
As common
And uniform
As leaves
Spreading above
A great trunk
Of grace

Our only job is
To serve
As we gather
The light from above
And pray

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I Don't Wish To Serve

I Don't Wish To Serve

I don’t wish to serve you
I want my hands
And heart unbound
So that I may wrap
My arms around you
At any moment
Exactly when you need it

I don’t wish to serve
The ideas you have
About me
For they are inevitably
I want to remain free
So that I may grow
Toward the sun

I don’t wish to serve you
I want to employ my strength
Not in the construction of
Your reflections
In weaving the invisible
Web of love
So that all creatures may
Seek comfort
And shelter
From the storm
Of selfishness
That blows like a hurricane
Through the space between threads


Tuesday, October 22, 2013



Despair isn’t useless
Not just a yoke
Forged in cosmic flame
To weigh you down
It is not a sign of your
Or imminent
In this soul struggle
Wrestling match
You’ve found yourself in
Can mean many things
A way finder
Beckoning you back 
Because you’ve lost your way
A strong, hard shot of despair
Crawling into your limbs
Is a powerful tonic
Slowing momentum
Till time crawls
And the empty days
Provide room
For invisible servants
To sweep out
The trash
It’s not pointless
Or perhaps better stated
Despair has as much weight as joy
Nothing more
Both are buoys
You cling to
In the roiling sea
When you should
Let go
And allow yourself to drown
To sink
Into the stillness
That has been waiting for you

Monday, September 16, 2013

A Life Of Magic

A Life Of Magic

I sit beneath vaulting curves of wood
Snake forms spiraling into the sky
With a million flags of green
Sprouted in complete surrender

A breeze comes
And I can hear the movement
Of the sky
And in this moment doubt erupts

Who am I to feel this way?
Where are my credentials?
Where is the proof?
My heart dips
In the trough of emotion
I stare out from the bottom
And suddenly I catch a swell
My heart leaps to crest and
I spring up to capture the
Hawk feather tumbling by
I hold it
And feel no need for faith

I carry the feather with me
As a beautiful mark in time
When I swam in alignment


A little girl on a red tricycle
Looks through her golden locks
At the feather in my hand
She squints at the sun
And says, “Can I have it?”
I place the feather in
Her little hand
And she smiles
“It’s a magic feather,” I say
“Take good care of it”

Lessons can grow roots from tests
No matter pass or fail
These roots will go deep
If I take care of them
Exists only in relationship
It can’t survive the elements
We must give it shelter
In the warmth of our near bodies

Friday, September 13, 2013

Unicorn Supernova

Unicorn Supernova

Good words
Nice sentiments
Wrapped in resplendent nature
With a psychedelic bow
And perhaps a baby animal
Riding on the back of a unicorn
Are rather unsavory
To the tyrant in you
You cynically dismiss
Flower-child words
And shred petals
In the grinder of your mind
Bake them in hard science
Then bury them in the backyard
Oh, how the positive
Pisses you off
Look around you, dreamer
There’s no such room
Amongst forests plucked for greed
And waters poisoned for profit
Hard weapons that effortlessly
Deliver on the promise of death
Oh, contraire, my lovelies
The proof lies in the dismissal!
You wouldn’t feel so strongly
You wouldn’t feel like retching
At the mention of peace and love
If they weren’t hidden
In the core of your being
A supernova
Waiting to explode

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What Is Love?

What Is Love?

What is love but a strong breeze
That enters this spirit infused clay vessel
And defines its volume
Describes its arc and curve
By touching inner space
With invisible hands
Defining that which has no definition

What is love but a river
Flowing ceaselessly into the sea
And the sea ceaselessly accepting
That which is given
And neither the river nor the sea
Holding back for a moment
Not the sea for fear of space
Nor the river for fear of running dry

Love is a gradual unfolding
Like the clouds becoming flush with sunrise
Till all the darkness is driven away
And there is only light

Friday, August 30, 2013

Winding Through Ferns

Winding Through Ferns

The trail you walk curves through a landscape of ferns. You can see the thin line of bare earth cut gently through the plants and disappear over a rise. They seem ancient. So ancient that you think that’s probably how they looked millions of years ago after having settled from the ambulations of a dinosaur. The air is rich and moist and when you inhale through your nose it feels like you are participating in the forest’s essence, taking it deep within you and savoring it. The enormous trees rise from their bed of ferns like stately pillars charged with upholding the sky. The canopy is thick with billions of slender green needles, each a variation on an ancient form, shaped to gather fog so that the tree might drink. Your steps are silent on the spongy ground and it’s almost like you’re not even there, passing through the play of light and shadow, swaying around you on the dictates of cloud and wind. You feel part of the ecology of this place, aware of everything without having to focus on any of the details. This land has found a home in you and you smile as your legs take you, you know not where and this does not matter because each step you take is one into your heart and from this you will never stray.  


Thursday, August 29, 2013

So Hard To Be Natural

So Hard To Be Natural

Why is it so hard to be natural?
It should be the easiest thing in the world
At some point in all of our lives
We were naturals
Never questioning
Just doing
But then gradually this was eroded
As we were encoded with dictums
Told how to be
In ways which were against our being
Then to escape the conflict
The tension created
By dogma and blind belief
Escape in all the fleeting pleasures
Even in the ruddy orange of sunsets
If you count on beauty
It will fail you
Take it in the moment
As it comes
And be glad when it’s gone
Because it can’t last forever
But you can
If you don’t escape
You know the chains around you?
The ones that cut your flesh if you move
Or struggle against them?
Get to know them
Stay put
And understand there is no escape
Live in the moment
And you will see
There is every such thing as eternity
And no such thing as the chains
You forged link by link
In the crucible of your mind

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Awaken With The Dawn

Awaken With The Dawn

The morning is newly awakened in your eyes. Dawn reaches above the tree line in gathering shades of pink and pale blue. You can hear bird calls of several different species intertwine in the crisp air around you and you feel free and healthy. You bring the fragrant air deep into your lungs and exhale a fine mist just as the sun rises above the horizon. You can feel the sky expand as it blows through your hair, warmed by the gentle ball of fire. You feel a harmony within yourself. The boulders seem perfectly positioned to catch the quickening light, the moss clinging to the large arcs of stone has a slow and irrefutable purpose, trees balance light and shade in constant interchange with the wind, creating a dynamic pattern which the wild grass in the meadow you stand in resonates with until the air seems to hum around you. You’ve never seen a morning like this, an awakening that mirrors a slow gathering of love in the basket of your heart.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Secret Of Immortality

The Secret Of Immortality

It is possible that the universe is an evolved consciousness that discovered the secret of immortality. The secret being to never remain constant, existing in a state of perpetual evolution. The seeds of immortality are held in the concept of having no fixed idea of the self and absolutely no sense of self-preservation, a constant giving, a constant mutation – and because of this the universe never dies, because – in a sense – it never was…and we are this too and doesn’t this description sound a lot like pure love?

Monday, August 26, 2013

Just For A Moment

Just For A Moment

Just for a moment dear one
Just a moment
Give yourself
A break
Stop trying to prove
How clever you are
It’s a given
Because cleverness
Is acrobatics
Executed in virtual reality
And you are spinning
Like a top
Just calm down long enough
To let go
And fall
Into the waiting net
Of the Earth

Sunday, August 18, 2013

To Know Without Knowing

To Know Without Knowing

You see a flower
At the moment of unfolding
The last purple petal spreads
Like silk over your eyes
And you stare in wonder
How could such beauty exist?
The yellow belly button
At the center of the bloom
Yells yellow at your eyes
Till you think of the sun above
Your heart leaps for love
Reminding you of something you’d nearly forgotten
You walk over and snap the green stem
The umbilical cord to the Earth severed
The petal now swings like a pendulum in your hands
As you begin to think of other things
And the colors will never match that moment
The petals won’t even try
They know without knowing
They can’t trace a direct line
To the magma center of their home
From the vase on your coffee table

A Prayer For A Sunday

A Prayer For A Sunday

There is a cure for our sickness
This cure need not be administered with prayer
It does not require faith in a higher being
It does not require a strong foundation of belief
It can be administered by the scientific method
A method some would say caused this sickness to begin with
Fighting poison with poison
The cure is simply said
But momentous to execute
A revolution would flow in its wake
Do what is good for the Earth
What is good for all other forms of life
Including the rocks and the water that rushes over them
For they have souls too
Do this, say no to destruction and waste
And yes to balance
Yes to helping all life flourish
We should grow up
And be the stewards we were made to be
Then everything will be a prayer
Faith will be unquestioned
Because it will be a seed
Sprouted from each individual’s heart
As they tend the Earth with their love
And sow it with belief


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

To Beat The Birds

To Beat The Birds

I wore a face that was not my face
The muscles tensed and gripped
In ways they were not designed for
Long hours of frowning in front of a computer
Too many times smiling when nothing was funny
Or the worst, curling the lips at the corners
To sign approval of an act I found despicable

These muscles were meant to express
The molds my face understands
And for far too long this face has slipped
Between the deep grooves of Being
And skated along the shallows of conformity
No more
For I no longer recognize the rudimentary lines
And weak boundaries I have been asked to force my face into
It takes too much energy to be nothing, to be subservient, to follow the program

For I am too strong to hold myself down
I give my face permission to act as it will, say what it wants
Take the forms it finds comfortable
And laugh to beat the birds

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Self Drops Free

The Self Drops Free

You relieved me of thoughts of the Self
I held the concept out trembling in my hands
Like a sickly bird that could not fly
For I did not want to let it go
It was everything
This quest for the True Self
Which had become deeply rooted in my mind
Bounding who I am within the confines of mere idea

And ideas don’t exist
They haunt the mind
Taunt it in a whirlwind of whispers

In Your presence
Overwhelmed in the light of wholeness
My hands shook with fear
And I persisted in this fear
As all humans must for change to happen
And my ideas of the Self dropped free
Like brown leaves from a great tree
That serve it no more

Sunday, July 7, 2013



Remember Son. Remember Daughter
The ground upon which you stand
Is not just ground
It is Earth
Connected to Earth
Until it meets the Sea
And then it ends
But only for your feet
The Earth continues
Through the fathoms
Under the deepest depths
To support the waters
And hold them up
Cradled in the loving palm of Earth
All that water
Remember Son. Remember Daughter
This is the place from which you came
From which all life began
The Earth is unbroken
The continuity of seasons
Can be traced to the time
Before seasons
And this Time too has a Mother and a Father
Just like you Son. Just like you Daughter
You are unbroken
You are whole
And you came from the Sea

Saturday, July 6, 2013



Everything is vibration...Everything is song

Kushi Uni

Kushi Uni

I drink a cup of balance
A cup of wholeness
And like oil and water
The inner muck gets pushed out
I hang the dirty laundry
In my private garden
And watch the soiled garments
Swing in the breeze
I water them with clear, warm tears
Until they’re drenched
Dripping down to slake the thirst of the grass

I can see what keeps me from You
I note the shapes, the cuts of fabric, the stitching
The worst are the ones with words woven into them
Like barbed fences and high guard towers
The tattered ones too, so old
Since I’ve had them since childhood
And somehow they’ve grown with me
Keeping pace with my growing body
Always maintaining a snug fit
And never losing stiffness or the hundreds of needles
Pointed inward and outward

Relieved of this branding
I see that I have chosen all of my garments
Not that I made them
But that I accepted them
And dress myself in the mirror with these same clothes every day

I’m naked and I close my eyes and turn my head to the sky
I can see patterns of veins illumined by the sun’s warmth
And I drape myself in their latticework
Regal and pulsing with the dignity of my being
I am a node, clean and open to the great vibrations of Your heart
Your rhythm, Green Mother, becomes my rhythm
And we dance in harmony as my voice erupts in song
The notes of which spring feathers and I rise into the brilliant blue
Out of my private garden
And see all boundaries are artificial
And that there is only You