Monday, September 16, 2013

A Life Of Magic

A Life Of Magic

I sit beneath vaulting curves of wood
Snake forms spiraling into the sky
With a million flags of green
Sprouted in complete surrender

A breeze comes
And I can hear the movement
Of the sky
And in this moment doubt erupts

Who am I to feel this way?
Where are my credentials?
Where is the proof?
My heart dips
In the trough of emotion
I stare out from the bottom
And suddenly I catch a swell
My heart leaps to crest and
I spring up to capture the
Hawk feather tumbling by
I hold it
And feel no need for faith

I carry the feather with me
As a beautiful mark in time
When I swam in alignment


A little girl on a red tricycle
Looks through her golden locks
At the feather in my hand
She squints at the sun
And says, “Can I have it?”
I place the feather in
Her little hand
And she smiles
“It’s a magic feather,” I say
“Take good care of it”

Lessons can grow roots from tests
No matter pass or fail
These roots will go deep
If I take care of them
Exists only in relationship
It can’t survive the elements
We must give it shelter
In the warmth of our near bodies

Friday, September 13, 2013

Unicorn Supernova

Unicorn Supernova

Good words
Nice sentiments
Wrapped in resplendent nature
With a psychedelic bow
And perhaps a baby animal
Riding on the back of a unicorn
Are rather unsavory
To the tyrant in you
You cynically dismiss
Flower-child words
And shred petals
In the grinder of your mind
Bake them in hard science
Then bury them in the backyard
Oh, how the positive
Pisses you off
Look around you, dreamer
There’s no such room
Amongst forests plucked for greed
And waters poisoned for profit
Hard weapons that effortlessly
Deliver on the promise of death
Oh, contraire, my lovelies
The proof lies in the dismissal!
You wouldn’t feel so strongly
You wouldn’t feel like retching
At the mention of peace and love
If they weren’t hidden
In the core of your being
A supernova
Waiting to explode

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What Is Love?

What Is Love?

What is love but a strong breeze
That enters this spirit infused clay vessel
And defines its volume
Describes its arc and curve
By touching inner space
With invisible hands
Defining that which has no definition

What is love but a river
Flowing ceaselessly into the sea
And the sea ceaselessly accepting
That which is given
And neither the river nor the sea
Holding back for a moment
Not the sea for fear of space
Nor the river for fear of running dry

Love is a gradual unfolding
Like the clouds becoming flush with sunrise
Till all the darkness is driven away
And there is only light