Friday, March 22, 2013

The Creation of Love

The Creation of Love

I think it can be agreed that a creation is the product of a creator. It stands to reason that music was generated by the mind of a composer and a sculpture was made by the hands of a sculptor. Much can be learned about the nature of the human psyche from the seeming obviousness of these statements because upon analysis these statements are in fact, completely false. The inherent flaw these statements contain is the supposition that we created ourselves and the world around us. This is the thinking of a person living under the curse of insanity for we clearly did not create the air and vibrational laws through which music moves nor did we create the tree from which the sculpture is made. I don’t even want to bring who this creator was or is, whether this creator is a who or what a he or a she or an it or a set of laws – this argument does not require knowing what created all we see and know, it simply requires acknowledgment that humans did not design the mountains nor did we dream of the ocean and its waves and make them come to be. We had nothing to do with this. In fact, as far as the rational sphere can tell – the oceans were around far before humans even existed. Now that we have established this, what then does it say about us that we make wild and insane and bold statements like, “Isn’t he a wonderful composer?” It says we are living a lie of the grandest proportions. It says we have the utter hubris to lay claim to everything we see, this is our Kingdom and we rule and do with it as we see fit. Look around you. How is the management of this Kingdom of yours going? Your greatest assets are disappearing. What are the two things you must have? One, if you go without it for minutes, you die and the other if you go without it for days, you die. Air and water. How’s the air and water in your neighborhood? What do you think about going down to the local river and taking a drink? Would you be afraid to do such a thing? Where are the trees that supply your oxygen? We are cutting them down at an alarming rate and poisoning our waters, literally tainting our blood and asphyxiating ourselves. This is what happens when we harbor the insane notion that this is our Kingdom and we are the creators of our destiny. And what is to blame for this deadly and erroneous judgment? The ego. It must protect itself. And the only way it can protect itself is with lies because the ego itself is a lie. It whispers to you that you are a creator, a painter of beautiful images but I ask, did you create color and the materials you paint with? Did you construct the eyes that behold? Everything belongs to the true creator of this universe. Humans are simply a conduit for the miracle we participate in, nothing owned, everything given. You say but the ego is necessary! I did not ask for my ego, I inherited it! And this is true. The ego is necessary for survival…or it used to be. Feelings of dominion, the reservoir of rage, anger, greed, selfishness and fear which is the ego’s small domain, all contributed to help the genes survive, helped our ancestors live. But something happened. Our animal cousins must have no small measure of ego for we are not far from them and we did not arise from nothing. Maybe the difference is not one of intelligence but of perception. Somewhere along the way during our billions of years of journeying through time we boldly leapt from the peace of living in harmony to the dis-ease of living with the lie we are masters. Is this not the greatest evil, the very devil not just in your midst but embedded in the very core of your perception? The one who tells you you’re special, you’re different, you deserve more? And where has this gotten us as a species? Lonely, depressed, fractured, insane and desperate people who long for the peace of harmony but don’t even know how to ask for it.
There is one act of creation that has been given to us that is truly our Kingdom. And how blessed we are that it is the highest act of creation. This act of creation is love. It is our creative birthright, one we are all born with and all with equal capacity and measure. If everything we create is the result of and reliant upon the context into which we are born then truly the feeling of love is ours and ours alone. This feeling generated by the life which is yours can only come from within and is not dependent on nor does it answer to others. This is our only one and true creation, absolutely as unique as the individual. And what beauty! What grace it is to give and receive! Love, simple and pure and utterly profound. When it is unattached to the ego and selfless, as true love is - it serves to put the ego in its rightful place, as a servant to the higher Self. The result of the alchemization we undergo in the peace of love is communion. Understanding that we are no different than our brothers and sisters, that we are each inherently the same, children of the cosmos, which is what Father Sun in the sky reminds us of, a perfect circle, without beginning or end, ceaselessly giving off light and heat, always providing to everyone and everything without reservation or judgment. We are also children of our Mother Earth, all of us participants in the great web of life. The miraculous property of love is that it helps you realize you are not alone, you are not separate from the water or the trees nor indeed any living thing. When you see the world in this light, as it actually is, then you live in harmony because you are no longer perceiving yourself as outside this web, this magnificent system…we have a word for feeling outside this web of life and this word is hell. When one loves and removes themselves voluntarily from hell and it is voluntary and it can be done at any time for hell is an illusion, this separateness, it does not exist, even in the warrens of the most fetid city, we are still not separate, we are still tied to this web. But look what happens to this web when too many of us are living in hell, living out of the ego, sickness spreads to places we don’t even know about. Trees are felled. Mountains literally razed and waters rendered undrinkable and sterile with toxins. We need to claim our birthright and become the creators we are and live in harmony and love and this will mean we treat our cousins and brothers and sisters, the animal and plant life, with profound joy and respect for we would cherish them as our teachers and our providers and we would care for them as we care for ourselves, not look upon them as objects to be used as we will. Then there will be harmony and the deep peace that comes with it. Our waterways and air will be pure our forests will thrive because we will be thriving, in love and gratitude and honor.

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